自己的一个笔记 --创建用户并关联员工 declare v_employee_name varchar2(50) := 'SQLU.CN'; v_employee_count number; p_person_id number; begin --检查员工是否存在 select count(1) into v_employee_count from apps.per_all_people_f where last_name = v_employee_name; if v_employee_check = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('系统已经存在该职员'); elsif v_employee_check > 1 then dbms_output.put_line('系统中已经存在多个职员 姓名为:' || v_employee_name); elsif v_employee_check = 1 then select person_id into p_person_id from apps.per_all_people_f where last_name = ln_employee_name; --创建用户 apps.fnd_user_pkg.createuser(x_user_name => v_employee_name, x_owner => null, x_unencrypted_password => '123456', x_start_date => sysdate, x_end_date => null, x_password_date => sysdate, x_password_lifespan_days => 90, --密码到期天数 x_employee_id => ln_person_id, x_email_address => 'SQLU@qq.com'); COMMIT; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END; --2. 更改用户信息 --更改用户密码 BEGIN apps.fnd_user_pkg.updateuser(x_user_name => 'SQLU.CN', x_owner => null, x_unencrypted_password => '654321'); COMMIT; END; --3. 失效用户 --更改终止日期为当前日期 BEGIN apps.fnd_user_pkg.disableuser(username =>'SQLU.CN'); COMMIT; END; --4. 分配职责给用户 DECLARE l_resp_app VARCHAR2(50); l_resp_key VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN SELECT a.application_short_name, v.responsibility_key INTO l_resp_app, l_resp_key FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl v, apps.fnd_application a WHERE v.application_id = a.application_id AND v.responsibility_name = 'INV_USER'; apps.fnd_user_pkg.addresp(username => 'SQLU.CN', resp_app => l_resp_app --application_short_name , resp_key => l_resp_key, security_group => 'STANDARD' --来自于select * from fnd_security_groups , description => null, start_date => SYSDATE, end_date => null); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END; --5. 失效已分配职责 DECLARE l_resp_app VARCHAR2(50); l_resp_key VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN SELECT a.application_short_name, v.responsibility_key INTO l_resp_app, l_resp_key FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl v, apps.fnd_application a WHERE v.application_id = a.application_id AND v.responsibility_name = 'INV_USER'; apps.fnd_user_pkg.delresp(username => 'SQLU.CN', resp_app => l_resp_app, resp_key => l_resp_key, security_group => 'STANDARD'); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END;